Friday 14 December 2012

Now with added Carb Hangover!

Yesterday, my boss bought me a hamper full of goodies for Christmas. Bugger!

I gave everything carb-related away. Everything except a box of luxury fruit pastilles.  Last night, I ate the whole box, probably around 600 Calories because I'm stupid, stupid, STUPID!


Anyway,  I'm not worried about the extra calories, but, I have the mother of all carb hangovers!

Seriously, it feels like I drunk 8 pints last night! It feels exactly the same.  Slightly nauseous, slightly tired and lethargic, foggy-headed and a little irritable.

You can go over on your calories a bit, but you really shouldn't eat a whole load of carbs when your body isn't used to them. It just isn't worth it. So no more cheating on the Cambridge Diet for me (hopefully)!

You'd think I'd know better, but clearly I don't. Well, lets hope I've learnt the lesson at last...

I now have a couple of days of feeling ropey until my body settles down again. Bah.

This weekend, I'm going out to an Italian restaurant for my Mum's birthday.  Hopefully, with this carb hangover fresh in my mind, I'll do the right thing and have a chicken salad.

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