Tuesday 14 February 2012

I look down and don't recognise myself

Something strange just happened. I looked down.  OK, that's not strange in itself, but what I saw was strange.

As I looked down, at my T-shirt and my jeans and so forth, I didn't actually recognise myself.  The bulge of my belly has gone, my T-shirt is loose and I look, dare I say it, like a normal person. My stomach, whilst still a bit large is mostly flat instead of massively round and bloated.

This T-shirt was tight when I got it and the 38" waist jeans that were so tight just a couple of weeks ago are now falling off me.

Because the weight falls off so quickly on the Cambridge Diet, your brain takes a while to catch up.  Your self-image is still that of a fat person when the reality is different.  Yes, I'm still overweight, but am now getting to the size where people don't point and laugh (not that they did but you know what I mean).

When I picture myself in my mind, I still see a fat person. I guess having been 18st-odd for like 10 years will do that to you.

Please note that this may sound similar to body dysmorphia, but it's not. I just haven't got used to the new me yet.  I don't know how long this feeling will last for but as the goalposts keep moving with every week I lose weight, I guess I'll just have to get used to it in time!

And in other good news, my (long standing and long-loathed) moobs are shrinking nicely.  What a relief!  These were always the thing I was most self-concious of.

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