Saturday 10 March 2012

I should really put more effort into this blog

It's been pointed out to me that in recent posts, all ive been doing is pretty much putting my weigh in results up here, which isn't really good enough. I shall put in more effort, I promise!

So, what's been going on? Well you know that I now fit in 34" waist jeans, which is nothing short of amazing. But something even more miraculous happened today... I went and tried on a t-shirt in a size L. Not XXL, not XL, just L. The amazing thing was, it was quite loose on me, so I thought that I'd be brave and try on a medium. Well it only went and bloody fitted! So now I own two medium t-shirts! :-)

To say I'm happy is an understatement. However, there's still work to be done. Underneath that medium sized shirt, lies a fair amount of flab. There's no denying it, I still have at least a stone or two to lose.

There's also the issue of muscle, or lack of it. Being a fat bloater all my life means that I've never built up any muscles to any sort of size. Unless I deal with this, I will end up what's known as skinny-fat. So, the plan is this: move up to the 810 calorie plan and start building some muscle.

I can't do this on sole source or sole source plus because there simply isn't enough calories to safely exercise at the level of intensity required to build muscle without causing nasty side effects like getting sick, going into starvation mode etc.

If truth be told, I'm actually shitting myself about joining a gym. I think it's because this time, I know results are attainable and it's down to me and me alone to get the results I desire. Having said that, I do remember distinctly saying the same thing when I first started this diet so I guess anythings possible.

In terms of a timescale, I'll be moving up to the 810 calorie plan in 5 days. Thursday next week. I'll give myself until Monday to allow my body to adjust to the extra calories. This also coincides with us going to center parcs, which is basically a fitness camp in disguise. Their whole ethos is about sports. Everything from swimming to clay pigeon shooting. So, I'll have a pretty active week, then when I get back, I'll hit the local gym. Not the expensive Virgin gym, probably the local council-run one.

Not long now!!

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