Thursday 19 January 2012

Day 14: Second Weigh-in tonight!

Right, so it's been a few days since my last blog. I've been mega-busy with work so having the foodpacks hasn't been a problem whilst I'm sat at my desk.

I've found tiredness to be an issue, not during the day, but come around 9pm I'm shattered. Having said that, I guess it's fair enough as I veg out until 10pm and go to bed.

This week has been hard on the water front. I've not had a chance to drink nearly enough of the stuff. I wonder if that will have hampered my weight loss at all. I'll find out at 8pm tonight and will report back!

I know there's no chance of repeating last week's 9lb off because a lot of that will have been water leaving the body. This week I should be burning pure fat.

Now, 1lb fat has 3500 calories roughly. Now, in order to calculate how many I burn off daily, here's the rough formula:

  1. take my weight in lbs * 10.
  2. take this number and multiply it by 1.2 (ie adding 20% for sedentiary lifestyle, add up to 50% for very active lifestyle)
  3. take this number and multiply by 1.1 (ie adding 10% to allow for calories burnt in digestion).

This figure comes in at approx 3465 calories per day. So, in theory, I should be burning just under 1lb a day on the cambridge diet.

Therefore, I'm hoping for say, a 6lb loss. I'll let you know.

PS: My brother is now doing the CD so hopefully it'll go well for him too!

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