Friday 6 January 2012

A Little Bit of History...

So, I've always been fat.  I'm not going to mince my words such as "overweight", "plump", or "cuddly".  I'm F-A-T.

At 6'2, I thought I could carry it off with my height.  Well, up to a point, I could.  I'm currently 18st 2lb according to my starting weigh-in last night.  I've been bigger. I've hit 19st7lb before.

I tried Lighterlife last year, but only managed a week because we found my wife was pregnant, and obviously a Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCD) is a massive no-no when pregnant.  I wasn't going to stick it alone as we couldn't afford that and to buy food.  Lighterlife was approx £70 per week each, so a hefty investment.

Now we've got the baby, and the wife isn't breastfeeding anymore, we can go on the attack again.  This time round however, we're going to the Cambridge Diet.

There's two main reasons for this:
1) It's significantly cheaper.  it's approx £45 per person per week.
2) You don't need to sit through the boring meetings talking about why you're fat every week.  Important because I have a baby at home to look after so can't waste my time with that thank you very much. Also, I'm fat because I love food. simple.

One thing you won't know, that I was told last night by my Cambridge Diet err "mentor"(?) is that the Cambridge Diet's factory actually produces the lighterlife food packs anyway so it makes no odds which you go for.  That and the CD foodpacks actually taste better because they keep the good stuff for themselves.

Anyway, that'll do for now.

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